Monday, June 11, 2007

Response from George Parmer

Dear Mr. Rashkin,

The War on Drugs is having much the same effect on our society that the Prohibition did. Corruption is rampant here and in most Third World drug producing countries and drug trafficking is a deadly, billion dollar a year business.

There are many things that can and must change quickly, such as the legalization of medicinal marijuana. Sentencing for marijuana possession and the more severe penalties for possession of Crack cocaine over the powder form are a good start. I believe that the U.S.Government may better spend our monies purchasing for destruction, the drugs grown and processed in drug producing countries.

This District is rife with gang activities financed by the drug trade. The" War on Drugs" along with the privatization of our prison system are issues that I will be spending a considerable amount of time addressing when I assume the Districts Congressional seat. I can assure you that I will fight for any and all changes that will benefit my District to the best of my ability.

I am running a bottom-up, grassroots campaign and would appreciate your support, but would like to be kept on your email list regardless of it.

With election day close,I apologize for the slow response. At this time I feel I must personally answer all questions along with the many other activities incumbent upon a candidate during an election. Again thanks for your email and your compassion.


George Parmer

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